Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The life and times of...life

A few years ago there was a movie entitled "Life or Something Like It." I never saw this movie and couldn't honestly say what it's about at all except to say I thought the title was quite poignant. I think most of us could say this about our own lives. Maybe our lives are only "something like it."

I recently finished the curriculum for our community-wide Disciple Now. It's called "One: Developing Our Primary Relationship." It's come to my attention that life is less about the things that happen every day or even the things we do, and more about our relationships, specifically for me, my relationship with God. It has been a refreshing journey.

That's all I have for today. I leave with this. My friend Edward has a T-Shirt that I love. It says on the front "It's against my relationship to have a religion." I like this shirt.

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